Sunday, November 27, 2016

Member of the Mischievious Squad!

Hello Planner Family! I know, I know I have not wrote a blog post in almost, basically a year, so I would first like to take this time and apologize to all you and thank you for staying a loyal fan of my blog. I will be setting up a schedule for my blog now that I am slowing down, having baby wise - no more babies, and can focus a bit more on my blogging.

Now, I wanted to tell you guys some exciting news that I received earlier this week. I am now a member of the Managing Mischief Co #MischieviousSquad a.k.a PR Team. I didn't think that I would even make the team but I did and I am so excited to start this new venture with some amazing women!

It all started when I saw this photo in my Instagram feed. Managing Mischief Co is a UK based Sticker Shop. They make hand drawn stickers and ship out pretty quickly. So I was just like "why not give it a try"? Not confident at all about it but took the jump.

Vic & Lou (the two amazing women who own the shop) sent me an email that had the application attached to it and I completed it while on my lunch break at work. They sent back a reply pretty quickly and said they will be making their decision on their team by that Friday.

I waited patiently......

Friday came and things were so busy at work that I never thought about the shop or to think of checking my email until later during my lunch break. So while sitting in my car eating some Chick Fil A (I couldn't resist, lol), I received this wonderful email below.

I was so happy to see this email I almost fell out of my car! 

So now that I am on this team and it has been so fun so far, you guys gain so perks from it too. Below is the code you can use to get some money off when you order from the shop. 

"CIARA10" for 10% off your orders, no minimum!!

So I hope you guys check out their shop and see all of their amazing hand drawn creations. Even though they are UK base, they will gladly and professionally ship your order quickly and promptly! 

They have shipped my welcome package already and I can not wait to show you guys every I got and that the have to offer, but that's another post for later!