Saturday, September 12, 2015


Hello Everyone!! First off I would like to give a big WELCOME to anyone who is new to my blog and also a big thanks to all of my original readers who continue to stay and inspire me to continue to keep my blog going! I am very appreciative for it!

Second I would like to apologize for being very much M.I.A. the past couple of months. As many of you may know I have four babies under four and two of them are a set of six month old twins so I am very busy all the time. And to make my life even more busier I have went back to work where I work full-time so life has been busy busy busy!! So I am working on a social media schedule that I hope will work out around the kiddos as long as they will let me work lol!! 

Again thanks so much for being such loyal readers and as always HAPPY PLANNING!!!!