Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Summer Fun Decor!

Hello Planner Family! Just wanted to give some summer inspiration for your planner decor today! I recently posted on my instagram, @organizeowl, my summer decor in my Dark Mint Kikki! I call it "Lemon Summer Fun". It took me a while to decide what I wanted to do for the summer in my planner and if you are like me you are very seasonal and like your clothing, household, and even your planner to represent the current season. 

Now that summer is here, I wanted something fun and bright and in some of my favorite colors but I just could not think of anything creative to do. I didn't know if I was just going through a what you call "Brain Frat" or just a too busy mom that couldn't think of much else other than her children. (I was about to just add my children to every divider lol) Until one day I saw Maria of the Etsy shop called Twolilbees decor in her current Kikki K set up on her instagram, which you can check out here, her instagram is great! Once I saw, I knew I wanted to do the same or at something similar!

So first thing first, I had to do my research on where all the lovely lemon items came from that she had in her planner or something close to it. 

The first items I found were the lemon clips from another great etsy shop called BB Crafty Creations. These clips are so cute, very sturdy, have a great floral pattern on the back (not shown) and they even have glitter on them if you can not notice on the photo. These are not the ones in Marie's photo. Her lemon clip is from an Etsy shop called StickeWicketDesigns, which is also a great shop for clips.

Next to follow along with the theme, I found some things that I already had in my planner collection. A yellow polka dot journaling card from one of my Project Life kits and a happy sun clip from one of my favorite paper clip etsy shops, KawaiiPaperie. I have many clips from this shop. She was the first shop I found almost three years ago when I entered the planner community!Her clips are also very sturdy and strong. My children have even tested them out by trying eat them and they survived lol!!  

Another shop with awesome clips is PigtailsandPockets! Now these clips are very different from the other clips that I have mentioned earlier. These clips are also handmade but not made out of card stock, they are actually made of felt. This clip here is their Felt Mason Jar Paperclip! It is very cute and became a great addition to my planner theme. 

The second to last item that I received was my sheet of Summer Collection Lemon Stickers from TwoLilBeesCo! This shop is ran by the wonderful Maria who I mentioned earlier in this post where I received my great summer inspiration from!! Her shop is by far one of my favorite Etsy shops and her stickers are amazing. Her shop right now is on a short break to catch up on orders, but once she reopens you guys should really check her shop out!

And for the last and final addition to make my "Lemon Summer Fun" theme to a finish, I recieved my order from ThePrincessPaperie! A lemon dashboard and a yellow glitter ribbon clip to tie everything in and make it complete! This shop is ran by the very nice Kiera and she sells awesome dashboards and very pretty ribbon clips! (She also sell yarn tassels as well.)

So now that I have received everything, it was time to put it all together. Then BAM! I have my Summer Lemon Fun theme in my Kikki K that I am very in love with! (End result below!)

I hope you guys enjoyed this post. Please let me know in the comments below and if you have any ideas for future posts you would like me to do, comments those as well!